About Us


Ash Fork Water Service supplies potable water to its customers in a variety of ways:

  • Traditional domestic community water system with hooked up customers. Both residential and commercial.
  • We maintain several “Standpipes” for customers who haul their water. Account based, coin operated and bulk water for re-sale or construction use.
  •  We Do Not Haul Water.
  • 2-Water vending machines provide filtered drinking water. These 2-machines utilize 2-sediment filters of 30 and 5-microns, a solid block carbon per-filter and a second carbon filter along with (UV) Ultraviolet light disinfection process at the point of dispensing.

Filters serviced every 6-months or 12,000 gals.


This treatment exceeds most bottled water “flavors” found on the market shelves today.

See the “CCR” for more detailed information on your drinking water.